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Policy28cb727da72db628063e240f06a87b9307c4fa2d034f6771dfb2f170 (view all policy tokens)
NameFren Heaven
	"name": "Fren Heaven ",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmedcqsbfK9WudRakg6XbKBzzCFxAsNdXMud3FwVBmYuDr",
			"name": "Fren Heaven ",
			"mediaType": "image/png"
	"image": "ipfs://QmaHGGWcbPrvWVoQqnPV8mM62tuLxQoL3EVcbrsZbrLinq",
	"Artist": "Sannah",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"Collection": "Cardano Meme Art ",
	"description": [
		"In the ethereal clouds of Fren Heaven, a place where joy and lau",
		"ghter flowed like wine, there sat a jovial being known as Frenzo",
		", the King of Coins. He ruled over this whimsical paradise with ",
		"a relaxed smile and a heart full of warmth. Draped in his golden",
		" robe and lounging on his plush throne, Frenzo was surrounded by",
		" an air of contentment and bliss.\n\nAround him fluttered three pl",
		"ayful and mischievous angels: Penelope, Freny, and Frape. These ",
		"three sisters were the heart of Fren Heaven, each with a unique ",
		"charm that added to the kingdom\u2019s enchantment.\n\nPenelope, the ",
		"eldest, carried a torch of friendship, her flame ever-burning wi",
		"th the warmth of genuine connection. She loved to spread this wa",
		"rmth throughout the realm, igniting hearts with her gentle prese",
		"nce.\n\nFreny, the middle sister, held a golden apple, symbolizing",
		" the joy of sharing. She loved nothing more than to share her tr",
		"easures with the inhabitants of Fren Heaven, reminding them that",
		" true wealth lies in the joy of giving.\n\nFrape, the youngest, wa",
		"s the guardian of the Fren Coin, the most precious artifact in t",
		"he realm. This coin was said to bring luck and happiness to anyo",
		"ne who held it, and Frape made sure that its magic touched every",
		" corner of Fren Heaven.\n\nTogether, these three sisters filled Fr",
		"en Heaven with their light and laughter, each day a celebration ",
		"of life and friendship. Frenzo watched over them with pride, kno",
		"wing that as long as they were there, Fren Heaven would remain t",
		"he most joyful place in all the cosmos.\n\nAnd so, the days in Fre",
		"n Heaven rolled on, filled with love, laughter, and the gleaming",
		" gold of the Fren Coin\u2014a paradise where friendship was the gre",
		"atest treasure of all."
	"No. Editions": "25"