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Policyb3fadec4726175868d31a617ce4f6816a3872befd14d6713b4985de2 (view all policy tokens)
NameSee to Love
	"name": "See to Love",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmTRvWUXXJAr3U9SJkrCNTjoNYxtq3GM8oVvtedf88QsSn",
			"name": "See to Love",
			"mediaType": "image/webp"
	"image": "ipfs://QmTRvWUXXJAr3U9SJkrCNTjoNYxtq3GM8oVvtedf88QsSn",
	"Artist": "DPC AKA Davey Painting",
	"License": "All Rights Reserved",
	"mediaType": "image/webp",
	"Collection": "WE ALL WEAR MASKS",
	"description": [
		"See to Love is a phrase I have adopted as a way of life.  Take i",
		"t all in. See everything about a person. See all points of view ",
		"and angles. See and feel all moods and expressions.  Good, bad, ",
		"ugly, hateful, cruel, beautiful, kind\u2026whatever it may be, see ",
		"it, understand it, and treat it with love.  \n\nIn the end, LOVE r",
		"ules all. "
	"No. Editions": "1"