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Policy12a54063f62600b5a1054fa22c04f1bdcc4a41ccb66a51d05c9d6a2d (view all policy tokens)
Name[DRIP] Of Worriness
	"name": "[DRIP] Of Worriness",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmR6jPKjbGW6MsFSj9rbodobT45yj2Dya99uajvMVgSzUH",
			"name": "[DRIP] Of Worriness",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmUZR6595oCkrbkY1eWBTJykFk3ZjwmWyPJii4qNv62qdn",
	"Artist": "Kalamity",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"Collection": "Black & White & Dark ",
	"description": [
		"I lost in the contemplation of existence. The worries of life pr",
		"essed upon me like the weight of a thousand words. Drip of worri",
		"ness, as I had come to call it, was a relentless companion. It w",
		"as the nagging question that haunted every moment, What was the ",
		"purpose of it all? The air around me chatted and laughed, their ",
		"voices a distant murmur. But in the quiet corners of my mind, th",
		"e worriness of existence echoed like a somber requiem. I knew th",
		"at life was a paradox a beautiful and bewildering journey filled",
		" with moments of joy and sorrow, triumph and defeat. Existence w",
		"orriness was the price we paid for the privilege of being alive,",
		" a reminder that in the face of uncertainty, we must find our ow",
		"n meaning and purpose.\n-kalamity-"
	"No. Editions": "1"