Env | mainnet |
Slot | 105926973 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 12a54063f62600b5a1054fa22c04f1bdcc4a41ccb66a51d05c9d6a2d
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 363532646131646532326663653732313431666230376438 |
Fingerprint | asset1945vx87vgvm59mw5jl7quheyal4w2wknff9juw |
"name": "[ANGEL]IC VIRTUE",
"files": [
"src": "ipfs://QmVJJQPFKSUekkry2odRmMwQGTnXqFSu6ZawRaiayC6tEn",
"name": "[ANGEL]IC VIRTUE",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
"image": "ipfs://QmQM1ic46u5oxt7bTNcBbMqfL956NeABXBYbSrSCh1nCXg",
"Artist": "Kalamity",
"mediaType": "image/png",
"Collection": "Black & White & Dark ",
"description": [
"Amidst the chaos and clamor of the world, there are moments of s",
"erenity when the human soul is graced with an angelic vision. It",
" is a glimpse into a realm where virtue reigns supreme, where th",
"e ethereal and the earthly momentarily converge. In the simplici",
"ty of these visions, there is a profound beauty. They are unembe",
"llished, stripped of artifice and pretense. They are moments whe",
"n the essence of goodness is unveiled, a purity that cuts throug",
"h the complexities of existence.\nThese visions are not reserved ",
"for saints and saviors but are accessible to all. They are remin",
"ders that even in the midst of life's struggles, there exists a ",
"wellspring of virtue within the human spirit, waiting to be disc",
"No. Editions": "1"