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Mintedmore than a day ago
Policy12a54063f62600b5a1054fa22c04f1bdcc4a41ccb66a51d05c9d6a2d (view all policy tokens)
	"name": "[CHAINS]AW KING",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmXUu4xKNZe5MyHn3qJyoqQbWvxJVEVcVV3iHWWkqCbCPJ",
			"name": "[CHAINS]AW KING",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmPiuKTsrD3ZvUZG2C57Qgrvdrc9b1Z3bbespMNfLPQ9WS",
	"Artist": "Kalamity",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"Collection": "Black & White & Dark ",
	"description": [
		"The good kindness leader, carries a burden of virtue and authent",
		"icity. Their actions are driven by a genuine desire to bring lig",
		"ht & compassion to the world. Yet, in the eyes of the misguided,",
		" these qualities may be twisted into something sinister, a manif",
		"estation of malevolence. This misperception can chained & lead t",
		"o unjust judgment & condemnation. The kindness person is labeled",
		" as a demon, a characterization that stands in stark contrast to",
		" their true nature. It is a tragedy of misunderstanding, an exam",
		"ple of how prejudice & fear can cloud one's judgment. This narra",
		"tive is a reflection of the human capacity for misunderstanding ",
		"& misjudgment. It is a call to question our preconceptions & to ",
		"look beyond the surface, to recognize that goodness & kindness c",
		"an take many forms & should not be hastily dismissed.\n-kalamity-"
	"No. Editions": "1"