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Policye03275253da130cd322ee33e80e9dc3e382ebdfa3c72ff196af33871 (view all policy tokens)
NameTerrain Flier
	"BTS": [
		"utumn-beauty-of-minnesota/ "
	"name": "Terrain Flier",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmTN8ZgrpQWbdaKb1wwGxbeex8oxKQZZBADPML3gT6pv7Z",
			"name": "Terrain Flier",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmTN8ZgrpQWbdaKb1wwGxbeex8oxKQZZBADPML3gT6pv7Z",
	"Artist": "Emmanuel Canaan",
	"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
	"description": [
		" A beautifully restored Boeing Stearman cruises low past some ve",
		"ry complementary fall colors while on a golden hour photo shoot ",
		"over Minnesota, U.S.A."
	"Kreator Profile": "",
	"Alaska Airlines story": [
	"Sharing my creative process": [
		"Interesting fact, the pilot of the yellow biplane in this photo ",
		"is Ryan Mohr. Someone I used to work with as an airline ramp age",
		"nt loading luggage onto aircraft. He later became an Alaska Airl",
		"ines pilot and is featured in this story: \u201cWelcome aboard, thi",
		"s is your dad from the flight deck.\u201d Pilot flies son on Make-A",
		"-Wish trip"