Env | mainnet |
Slot | 132012567 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 14df15ba44fddf4eedce019b65fa32b7ddedeb4b76a380ac754e8be1
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AssetName/ID | 46696e616c4f647973736579303330 |
Fingerprint | asset1ct3u5avxr4hj76wv9mgkg8d7mje7lsksxzdmfs |
Name | The Final Odyssey #030 |
"id": "030",
"name": "The Final Odyssey #030",
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"Brian Trueblood"
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"description": [
"Join exiled prince Lucas Waters in 'The Final Odyssey' for an ep",
"ic pirate fantasy filled with thrilling naval battles, adventure",
", and redemption"
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"Book Title": "The Final Odyssey"