Env | mainnet |
Slot | 104813386 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 12a54063f62600b5a1054fa22c04f1bdcc4a41ccb66a51d05c9d6a2d
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 363531633532353635653362626263393666333763636137 |
Fingerprint | asset1etlr3wkwhvr0n45gk2c59kt5kshhudya28kp73 |
Name | [PATH] Of Nowhere |
"name": "[PATH] Of Nowhere",
"files": [
"src": "ipfs://QmcxVGud8YfZJvLBYkVipN7MMLih24KnXi8mzacHWaD5pB",
"name": "[PATH] Of Nowhere",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
"image": "ipfs://QmbQBsGx3hekwnqBFFzaEpnd9M3htei6HtQpxaVR8NVnnq",
"Artist": "Kalamity",
"mediaType": "image/png",
"Collection": "Black & White & Dark ",
"description": [
"He had been traveling for what seemed like an eternity, yet he h",
"ad no destination in mind. The path before him stretched out end",
"lessly, leading nowhere and everywhere all at once. His footstep",
"s seemed to echo in the vast emptiness, a constant reminder of h",
"is solitary journey. He had left behind the noise of the crowded",
" city, the chaos of everyday life. The sirens and honking horns ",
"had faded into the distance, replaced by the silence of his own ",
"thoughts. There was a peace in this solitude, a tranquility he h",
"ad come to crave.\n-kalamity-"
"No. Editions": "1"