Env | mainnet |
Slot | 120416336 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | e03275253da130cd322ee33e80e9dc3e382ebdfa3c72ff196af33871
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 363439656564653337623539383331323334303262633962 |
Fingerprint | asset1mf6tl56gul2n025w4q6djk8zygqkpspn9fjhf4 |
Name | Mindblowbleed |
"name": "Mindblowbleed",
"files": [
"src": "ipfs://QmfF9bVHYBj1uKL2YTdsGM6ee7nWcbWzwE5eUp3xYz4bL8",
"name": "Mindblowbleed",
"mediaType": "image/gif"
"image": "ipfs://QmfF9bVHYBj1uKL2YTdsGM6ee7nWcbWzwE5eUp3xYz4bL8",
"Artist": "SVee Web3",
"Twitter": "https://twitter.com/EsveeWeb3",
"mediaType": "image/gif",
"description": "Ink on paper, and Photo Editor",
"Kreator Profile": "https://kreate.community/@EsveeWeb3",
"Instagram Process": "https://instagram.com/sanetvanart?igshid=MzNlNGNkZWQ4Mg==",
"Sharing my creative process": [
"Draw with India ink direct on paper using Rotring or Faber Caste",
"ll technical pens. Little or no pencil planning. Not done by AI ",
"at all. I draw the emotion and what can not be put in words. Col",
"our was added and made into GIF with Photo Editor in phone app. ",
" As Autistic and sensitive am affected by blatant wrongs and inh",
"umanity the neurotypical herd insist to force onto anyone not ne",
"urotypical. This drawings show the disgust at them, the conflic",
"t they create and the destruction of the Individual they are aft",
"er. Instagram account has proof of my work, with work in progr",
"ess of the ink drawings and ceramics that was painted. "