Env | mainnet |
Slot | 133056834 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 407433643c6d90eadc044124267ddc610b7b67bc9771394cb51694bf
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 52494d42413534 |
Fingerprint | asset1nyr6xdpfuw9q6tusyzpa7apm7uzlqks08cqygs |
Name | Streets of ADA x Rimba Non Profit Organisation - Land #54 |
"name": "Streets of ADA x Rimba Non Profit Organisation - Land #54",
"Links": [
"RIMBA": "https://rimba-ecoproject.com/en/rimba-association/"
"Streets of ADA": "https://x.com/streetsofada"
"ImpactWeb3": "https://impactweb3.com/"
"image": "ipfs://QmQ5U9Src72fbyBy7FTSmHmXTxnDkTonoPDNXAtQVbiHxK",
"mediaType": "image/png",
"attributes": {
"variant": "Rimba Indonesia Common"
"collection": "Streets of ADA x Rimba Proof of Impact - Land",
"description": [
"Help fund the protection of Indonesia's Sumatran rainforest ",
"and its biodiversity. Home to the third largest rainforest ",
"in the world."