Browse / NFTs / asset1plwp2es57xgkjuuxaan27dgkcq7kzhvl0gxnz2

Mintedmore than a day ago
Policye03275253da130cd322ee33e80e9dc3e382ebdfa3c72ff196af33871 (view all policy tokens)
NamePerennial Longevity
	"QRT": [
	"name": "Perennial Longevity",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmYW9Sb72LBCf8UVYLSJJH5cDpAoenyXbESwBYRcrmysvh",
			"name": "Perennial Longevity",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmYW9Sb72LBCf8UVYLSJJH5cDpAoenyXbESwBYRcrmysvh",
	"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
	"description": [
		"In blockchain's cryptic maze, he stood,\nA trader hardened, heart",
		" of wood.\nThrough bull and bear, he'd never sway,\nExpressing pow",
		"er, come what may.\n\nIn markets deep, his spirit stayed,\nIn volat",
		"ile tides, he never frayed.\nA silent knight, in crypto's tower,\n",
		"Emblem of the staying power.\n\nMuch love Thorn"
	"Kreator Profile": "(Waititng for Artist!)",
	"Sharing my creative process": [
		"Greetings everyone! I am delighted to present my submission, an ",
		"art piece entitled \"Perennial Longevity.\" This captivating creat",
		"ion embodies the resilient mindset and enduring spirit of crypto",
		" traders. Accompanying this artwork is a thought-provoking poem ",
		"embedded within the metadata.   Allow me to provide some additio",
		"nal details about this piece. \"Perennial Longevity\" is a physica",
		"l acrylic painting characterized by its high density paint and c",
		"aptivating texture. Furthermore, it incorporates a digital filte",
		"r overlay, enhancing the visual experience. It's worth noting th",
		"at the physical artwork is my current Twitter account profile pi",
		"cture. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you find \"Perenn",
		"ial Longevity\" as intriguing as I do."