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Mintedmore than a day ago
Policy12a54063f62600b5a1054fa22c04f1bdcc4a41ccb66a51d05c9d6a2d (view all policy tokens)
NameSuch A [FORTUNE]
	"name": "Such A [FORTUNE]",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmPHe1rRw7qWTtk4jo56UsnMdyfXGDxAaFcq9GeWXhPgiJ",
			"name": "Such A [FORTUNE]",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmcebyHSNkaa48nyyj1Y9yaXnhigVZCEz2bFBSfJDTDc8M",
	"Artist": "Kalamity",
	"mediaType": "image/png",
	"Collection": "Black & White & Dark ",
	"description": [
		"There's a certain fortune, a peculiar grace, in being able to en",
		"joy a cigarette in the midst of a miserable situation. It's as i",
		"f the act of lighting up becomes a defiant gesture, a rebellion ",
		"against the relentless march of despair. The smoke curls upward,",
		" carrying with it a sense of resignation and quiet contemplation",
		". I realized that life's miseries are an inevitable part of the ",
		"human experience. We can't escape them, but we can find moments ",
		"of fortune and grace, even in the most wretched of circumstances",
		". It's in the act of lighting a cigarette, in taking that first ",
		"drag, that we can momentarily transcend our troubles and find so",
		"lace in the simple pleasures of existence.\n-kalamity-"
	"No. Editions": "1"