Env | mainnet |
Slot | 130277221 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 46b4c0e3213e9b213bab4652f7d9a841000e359ce0ed8c74e5a253db
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 4d657361205665726465202331383331 |
Fingerprint | asset1spufx23sdzna5tqe8zclqj3x85ccm45ema3rtw |
Name | Mesa Verde #1831 |
"name": "Mesa Verde #1831",
"Theme": "Summer Day",
"files": [
"src": "ipfs://QmSP2W6t8m4hXfCosfsRPFqrm7Um4inHMFHZrmtrBBtq3J",
"name": "Mesa Verde #1831",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
"image": "ipfs://QmSP2W6t8m4hXfCosfsRPFqrm7Um4inHMFHZrmtrBBtq3J",
"Rarity": "Common",
"Twitter": "https://twitter.com/PyramidArtLabs",
"Website": "https://www.pyramidart.io/",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"description": "Mesa Verde #1831",
"Monument Description": [
"Mesa Verde is a national park located in Montezuma",
"County, USA. Mesa Verde houses very well-preserved",
"Ancestral Puebloan archaeological sites. A Native",
"American people that lived in the area for centuries",
"and built the famous cave dwellings somewhere",
"during the 12th century."