Env | mainnet |
Slot | 115333744 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | ed4b2b99175ffb41582a6f7bf67981f8b71eea2d530e9c8e6d52e656
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 303038546865476f64416d6f6e5261 |
Fingerprint | asset1stwshzg2fjhz2demyzptxwrlx6v7a6hspqs6g4 |
Name | #008 - The God Amon-Ra |
"name": "#008 - The God Amon-Ra",
"files": [
"src": "ipfs://QmcLPEK5WtpgEAVh1peZKuEz7fPZa665VKe348rJhsWNaz",
"name": "008TheGodAmonRa",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
"image": "ipfs://QmcLPEK5WtpgEAVh1peZKuEz7fPZa665VKe348rJhsWNaz",
"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
"description": [
"NFT N8. This N29 collection of NFTs from Token Mit",
"hrandir, has as a series of images the Egyptian Go",
"d Amon-Ra, in different situations. The funds rais",
"ed by this collection will be used to cover the pr",
"ess and media space that Token Mithrandir needs. I",
"mage made by umbriel CNFT. www.mithr.io"