Env | mainnet |
Slot | 133197918 |
Minted | more than a day ago |
Policy | 132d70a65e8cebae69cb62c759a043eb55c87dfba9feb85c140f43a1
(view all policy tokens) |
AssetName/ID | 436f726e4d61666961204c616e642044414f204949492023303439 |
Fingerprint | asset1tpz7wt4g624dqpcvyr44hjsg5zcxfq78fpvm7x |
Name | CornMafia Land DAO III #049 |
"name": "CornMafia Land DAO III #049",
"files": [
"src": [
"name": "CornMafia Land DAO III #049",
"mediaType": "image/gif"
"image": [
"discord": "https://discord.gg/cornmafiaguild",
"twitter": "https://x.com/CornMafiaGuild",
"website": "https://www.cornmafiaguild.io/",
"arweaveId": "NdWzsPDm8hIW9svByo9bL71HTEuuv_ApP8q48SvCNy0",
"mediaType": "image/gif",
"attributes": [
"description": [
"This is the third CornMafia Land DAO. It provides access to al",
"l commercial land and larger plot ownership at a lower price p",
"oint, exposing participants to a wider asset base, thereby mit",
"igating risk and increasing the upside potential of exposure t",
"o more valuable assets."
"collection name": "CornMafia Land DAO III"