Browse / NFTs / asset1v97qd35vpxavypz4ufks2c0p4wrh2w0t5dnaws

Mintedmore than a day ago
Policye03275253da130cd322ee33e80e9dc3e382ebdfa3c72ff196af33871 (view all policy tokens)
	"QRT": "",
	"name": "Miyako",
	"files": [
			"src": "ipfs://QmZcxvmmquEgb3LZ23UFMkyEYGJDRA2VsyASYjFsVDrk3a",
			"name": "Miyako",
			"mediaType": "image/jpeg"
	"image": "ipfs://QmZcxvmmquEgb3LZ23UFMkyEYGJDRA2VsyASYjFsVDrk3a",
	"Artist": "Dwessart",
	"mediaType": "image/jpeg",
	"description": [
		"Miyako is the second-in-command bounty hunter of the Hebi-doku o",
		"rganization, a beautiful and fearless woman who has sworn her lo",
		"yalty to Diana and all of hebi-doku."
	"Kreator Profile": "",
	"Photos and Video of Process": [
	"Sharing my creative process": [
		"As I always start looking for references for the pose, scenery, ",
		"lighting and design for the character, after finding some refere",
		"nces I start sketching the character, then I go straight to the ",
		"scenery, many times I advance a lot in the scenery to make it ea",
		"sier to fit the character in it  then I start making the flats o",
		"f the scenery and the character and then I start putting lightin",
		"g and ambient occlusion, once that is established, I will start ",
		"the initial render with each thing in its layer, when I see that",
		" the render is good enough , I start the final render with every",
		"thing in one layer and go until I finish it, in the end I just t",
		"est some color variations of the whole illustration and then I f",
		"inish it for good."