Browse / NFTs / asset1yqah9vujr8yls07r2twq6mwhu3564ldp7xqw8p

Mintedmore than a day ago
Policy8481d2e7845dbce87dc02f694834506ea30edf99e221e3e07eeba18b (view all policy tokens)
NameMemories of the Alien Invasion #5268
	"name": "Memories of the Alien Invasion #5268",
	"image": "ipfs://QmYPfLnWo9XXRU98zvUjzhYpPkVjnC6bAmipXvW2tY61eT",
	"links": {
		"twitter": ""
	"Card Number": "148",
	"description": [
		"Collection Description: God created Heaven and Earth. He ",
		"decided that humans should be able to take advantage of the ",
		"benefits of natural resources. In the first alien visits, ",
		"we taught them the basics of agriculture, animal husbandry ",
		"and initiated them in technological development. After ",
		"thousands of years, we had no choice but to invade Planet ",
		"Earth. We found giant cities (huge sewers) that are the ",
		"consequence of a surprising process of involution. Human ",
		"progress was a failure. Perhaps the mistake was to give ",
		"them the resources and they believed that what is free has ",
		"no value? In search of answers, we got involved in human ",
		"culture, visited countries, met outstanding personalities, ",
		"and we are left with these memories in images that we ",
		"present in this collection. "