Browse / NFTs / 37f66912b7d7ee0fbb648a84418ffb5e3501f288ed2ea18bdd92ac99

Recently minted NFTs under this policy
Maid Asleep, ca. 1657-1659
Study of a Young Woman, ca. 1665-1674
Girl with a Red Hat, ca. 1665-1667
The Guitar Player, ca. 1670-1672
A Lady Writing, ca. 1665-1666
Mistress and Maid, ca. 1666-1668
Young Woman with a Water Pitcher, ca. 1662-1665
Woman with a Lute, ca. 1662-1665
The Milkmaid, ca. 1658-1661
Lady Writing a Letter with her Maid, ca. 1670-1671
The Concert, ca. 1663-1666
Girl with a Flute, ca. 1665-1670
Diana and her Companions, ca. 1653-1656
Woman in Blue Reading a Letter, ca. 1662-1665
Lady Seated at a Virginal, ca. 1670-1675
The Music Lesson, ca. 1662-1664
The Love Letter, ca. 1667-1670
Girl Reading a Letter at an Open Window, ca. 1657-1659
The Little Street, ca. 1657-1661
Woman Holding a Balance, ca. 1662-1665
Girl Interrupted in her Music, ca. 1658-1661
Allegory of Faith, ca. 1670-1674
The Geographer, ca. 1668-1669
Woman with a Pearl Necklace, ca. 1662-1665
Girl with a Pearl Earring, ca. 1665-1667
Young Woman Seated at a Virginals, ca. 1670
The Astronomer, 1668
A Lady Standing at a Virginal, ca. 1670-1674
The Glass of Wine, ca. 1658-1660
Officer with a Laughing Girl, ca. 1655-1660
The Art of Painting, ca. 1662-1668
Saint Praxedis, 1655
The Procuress, 1656
View of Delft, ca. 1660-1661
Christ in the House of Martha and Mary, ca. 1654-1655